At Hidden Mantra, we are committed to providing high-quality content related to yoga, Indian traditions, culture, and related topics. To support the creation and maintenance of our content, we may display advertisements and engage in advertising partnerships. 

This income allows us to invest in our employees, website services, and technology to provide a superior experience to our readers. We are dedicated to enhancing our content and website services to better serve our audience.

We believe in transparency and strive to provide a positive user experience for our visitors. 

This advertising policy outlines our practices and principles:

1. Advertising Types

We may display various forms of advertising, including but not limited to display ads, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and product placements.

We may use Google AdSense to serve ads on our website. Google AdSense is an advertising service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”).

2. Sponsored Content and Disclosure

Sponsored content or articles may be published on our website. These articles will be clearly marked as “Sponsored” or “Paid Content” to distinguish them from our regular editorial content.

We maintain full editorial control over sponsored content and ensure that it aligns with our website’s focus and values.

Our commitment to transparency means that we will always clearly disclose when content is sponsored or when we have a financial interest in promoting a product or service.

3. Ad Content Standards

We are committed to maintaining high standards for advertising content. We will not promote misleading, harmful, or offensive material.

Advertisements and sponsored content must comply with relevant advertising laws and regulations.

4. Privacy and Data Collection

We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect data for advertising purposes. This data is used to provide relevant and personalized ads to our visitors.

We value user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations, such as GDPR. Users can learn more about our data collection practices in our Privacy Policy.

5. User Choices

Users have the option to control their ad preferences through tools provided by third-party advertising platforms, such as Google Ad Settings.

6. Complaints and Feedback

We welcome feedback and concerns related to our advertising practices. Users can contact us with any questions or complaints through our Contact page.

7. How Advertising Income Benefits Our Readers:

Advertising income enables us to invest in high-quality content creation. It allows us to hire experienced writers, researchers, and experts in the field to produce well-researched and informative articles.

8. Updates

This advertising policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our advertising practices or regulations. We will notify users of any significant policy changes.