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ToggleMisery is part of every human life. Everyone suffers, irrespective of their social standards and caste, or financial background. Many of you have heard of this famous Buddha quote: “Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.” But most of us embrace suffering as there is no other way out of it. One of the core principles of Buddhism, the four noble truths. It guide to the end of suffering, the noble eightfold path in buddhism (Astangika-marga).
Let’s explore each path in detail to understand the significance of eightfold path in Buddhism.
The Power of Practicing the Eightfold Path in Buddhism
The noble eight-fold path in buddhism ultimately leads to liberation. It is divided into three elements: moral conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom. Following these eight steps can eliminate suffering and lead a life to enlightenment.

1.Right View (Right Understanding)
According to the Buddhist concept, our never-ending cravings for material things lead to suffering. It is a human tendency to go behind desires; sometimes, they will never be wholly fulfilled, leading to dissatisfaction and suffering. The best way to avoid suffering is to understand things happening around us properly.
2.Right Intention (Right Thought)
Whether happiness or sadness, it is all about our thought process, and it is essential to remember that our thoughts are powerful. Human life is in the loop of cravings and desires. Focusing on self-improvement is the key to breaking free from the cycle of suffering.
3.Right Speech
Buddha always believed in the superior power of words. Words have the power to transform the world and people around us.
That’s why Buddha gave us four rules:
1) don’t lie
2) don’t gossip
3) don’t hurt others with words
4) to avoid idle chatter
These rules may look simple, but they take more work to follow in practice. We must always tell the truth no matter what it is, not speak ill about others, and not hurt others with words. In this way, you can transfer positivity and happiness to others; ultimately, it will come to yours, too.
4.Right Action
Just like our words influence our actions, our actions play a huge role in determining who we become. So Buddha advises us:
1) do not harm others
2) do not cheat, steal or be dishonest
3) avoid sexual misconduct
You can lead a peaceful life by following these rules and helping others.
5.Right Livelihood
Buddhist principles always encourage a legal and peaceful profession.
Lead a life by avoiding:
1) Weapons
2) Living things (people and animals)
3) Meat and butchery
4) Intoxicants (e.g., drugs and alcohol)
It is all about our perspectives towards things around us that make us who we are. So, choose the right livelihood by avoiding these.
6.Right Effort
Buddha suggests his followers to make the right effort to eliminate negative thoughts. There are certain levels of effort; to attain the highest level, one must make much effort.
Let’s have a look at the levels of effort.
- The lowest level asks to make the right effort to prevent evil thoughts or bad things.
- At this level, one might eliminate an evil thought or feeling.
- Next, you must try to keep good thoughts and feelings.
- The highest level, which would demand the most effort, would be to try to maintain and perfect a good, wholesome state of mind and, subsequently, being.
7.Right Mindfulness
Right Mindfulness has great importance in the doctrines of Buddhism. According to Buddha, one must keep a right mindfulness of everything to accept what it is.
There are four significant foundations for right mindfulness.
- contemplation of the body
- contemplation of feelings
- contemplation of states of mind
- contemplation of phenomena
With the proper mindfulness, you can approach everything with an open and free mind. In this way, you can be free from cravings and past regrets and lead a peaceful life.
8.Right Concentration
Keeping the right concentration can transform your mind. Meditation is the core practice of Buddhism, which demands right mindfulness.
There are four types of Concentration (Dhyana)
- The first stage of concentration is when mental barriers and polluted intentions disappear, and one must attain a sense of bliss.
- In the second stage, only bliss remains, and all other activities have ended.
- In the third stage- Bliss itself begins to disappear.
- In the final stage, no sensations are left, including bliss. It is replaced by a total peace of mind, which Buddha called a more profound sense of happiness.
Follow this path to remove suffering and embrace complete peace of mind.
How Eightfold Path has a role in the Buddhism
The Noble eightfold path has great significance in Buddhism. It is considered the first sermon of Buddhism, delivered by Gautama Buddha after his enlightenment. The eight noble path is a middle way between the extremes of asceticism (the practice of the elimination of physical or psychological desires to attain a spiritual ideal or goal) and sensual satisfaction.
The critical fact about the noble eightfold path in buddhism is that it is not noble; the people who follow it become noble. Buddhism does not promote the concept of unquestioning belief. Instead, it is all about practices to implement change, like a solution. The eightfold path in Buddhism is a practical guideline; it helps you discover self-discovery and attain nirvana.
Integrating the Four Noble Truths with the Eightfold Path in Buddhism Practice
The four noble truths contain the gist of Buddhism. Four noble truths deal with the truth of suffering, the truth behind the cause, the end to suffering, and the path to end suffering. In Buddhism, suffering is not introduced as a negative concept. It is recognized as a whole human phenomenon, and took a practical approach to rectify it.
Here, the concept of pleasure in human life is not described as a cynical concept. Instead, it is defined as a momentary thing. Humans have unquenchable desires that will never end; this is the ultimate reason for suffering. We all know the ultimate goal of Buddhism is to reach nirvana; when we reach this stage, there is no place for suffering. How to attain this stage is what the fourth noble truth leads us to the eightfold path in buddhism.
The eight-fold path in Buddhism is not a complex path to achieve. It is all about our mindset; it will if you are ready to make it happen. The first and foremost step is changing our perspective and purifying our minds and intentions. Don’t expect quick results; every great thing takes time. If you believe in gradual practice and results, you can be on the right path. There are only two steps, beginning and continuing, and the result is yours. Embark a life to enlightenment by following the noble eight fold path in buddhism. For more such blogs, visit our hidden mantra page and feel the difference.
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Very helpful thank you