Bhagavad Gita Quote in English
Bhagavad Gita Quote in English [Image Credit: Freepik]

The Bhagavad Gita, the holy scripture of Hinduism, is part of the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata Yudhha is one of the greatest wars that have ever taken place between two rival clans, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, in ancient India.

The war was initiated because the Pandavas wanted the throne of Hastinapura, which their cousins, the Kauravas, had taken. Lord Krishna, the divine avatar of Vishnu, helped the Pandavas through advice to Arjuna, their greatest warrior. The Bhagavad Gita explains many aspects of life, such as duty and means to peace, but Krishna’s counsel can be located there.

Best of Bhagavad Gita Quotes

Here are some of the most renowned quotes from the Bhagavad Gita that inspires you on your own life

Best of Bhagavad Gita Quotes
  1. Change is the law of nature “ -Bhagavad Gita  
  2. “ Focus on your hardwood and not on its outcome “
  3. “A truth can never be destroyed. One should not be afraid of doing good”
Best of Bhagavad Gita Quotes
  1. “The soul is is immortal , it is neither born or nor does it die”
  2. “Three gates to hell- LUST,ANGER and GREED “
  3. “Everything happens for a reason”-Bhagavad Gita
top Best of Bhagavad Gita Quote
  1. “God is always with us and around us  no matter what we are doing”
  2. “Manage you anger and have proper control of it “
  3. “Give priority to your dharma”

Karma Quotes in Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita and Karma Yoga are inseparable. Karma has been dealt with in the Gita as a route to salvation. Karma Yoga attempts to establish that through discharge of one’s duties, not being attached to the fruit of one’s acts, there is an attainment of spiritual illumination.

While the Gita presents a conceptual framework, Karma Yoga puts forward a practical route through which these principles can actually be applied in life. Here you can get some karma quotes in bhagavad geetha.

  1.  “ There is no escape from karma “
  2. “ Karma Yoga makes you the best among men “
  3.  Karma Yoga makes you eternally peaceful “
  4. “Karma should only be done for the purification of oneself “

Bhagavad Gita Shlok in English

Here is the powerful Bhagavad gita lines in english .Learn and make your mind in the path of piece

  1. “ The soul is neither born nor does it ever die Nor having doe it ever die,Nor having once existed does it ever cease to be.The soul is unborn,eternal,existing,Undying and primaeval “
  2. “ The mind is everything , What you think You became “
  3. “ The wise see knowledge and the knower of knowledge as one,and the ignorant think of them as separate “
  4. “ Perform your duty , leave the rest to god “
  5. “ It is better to live your own dharma imperfectly than to live someone else life with perfection “-Bhagavad Gita

Positive Thinking Bhagavad Gita Quotes

  1. “ See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume & honey. It gives freely to all its love. When it works its done. It falls quietly “
  2. “The only way you can conquer me is through love and there i am gladly conquered “
    Only Who sees inaction in  action and action in action- he is a wise man 
  3. “No one who does good  work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come”
  4. “Detachment makes you free, but attachment makes you suffer. The root cause of suffering in this world is attachment
  5. “ A man is made by his belief . As he believes . So he becomes “


The lessons of the Mahabharata teach a student how high-level personal growth and motivation are useful in understanding the complexities of the family, philosophy of self-motivation, and learning from past mistakes. The Mahabharata also strengthened our belief in the enduring power of family. The inherent family love and loyalty made most any issue resolvable for either of the warring clans.

Bhagavad Geeta gives tremendous insight into human beings and offers timeless wisdom that guides human beings through the thick and thin in life. Its teachings, often summarized with quotes, guide and inspire people across cultures and through generations.

Hidden Mantra” is for those who are interested in delving deeper into our culture and spirituality. It provides guidance and insight to help you explore new levels of this realm. Through life and motivational quotes, “Hidden Mantra” aims to support you in achieving success in your life.

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Rony John is a passionate Content Writer with a Master’s degree in English Language and Literature. She has over a year of experience in freelance content writing, honing skills in crafting engaging and compelling content for websites and social media platforms. Her writing style is both versatile and creative, allowing her to adapt to various niches and industries. She has written for fields like lifestyle, fashion,  self-improvement, spiritual growth, positive thinking, inner peace, and meditation. Join with Rony to explore the vast heritage and culture of Kerala through Hiddenmantra.