Benefits of surya namaskar
Benefits of surya namaskar

Surya Namaskara is also called Sun Salutation, a very popular sequencing of yoga asanas (postures) done in a specific order for worshipping the sun. There are 12 poses as part of Surya namaskar, all completed in step-by-step perfect coordination with breathing.

Surya Namaskara is traditionally done at dawn when the sun rises, but the exercises can be done at any time and form one full round of exercise. This practice of Surya Namaskara has many physical, mental, and digestive benefits for those who follow it: it strengthens and stretches muscles, increases flexibility, aids digestion, and calms the mind. In this blog, we are going to deal with how Surya Namaskar affects our health and our minds.

How Many Surya Namaskar In A Day

Surya Namaskar is perfect to practice in the morning at sunrise for its numerous benefits, including clarity of mind, natural rhythm, and fresh air. It harmonizes body movements with breathing and can be worked on at any time with correct posture and focus. 

Surya Namaskars to be done in a day depending on age, current fitness level, and overall health:

  • For beginners: Do 2–3 sets and gradually increase as stamina is improved.
  • Children: At any pace, depending on their energy.
  • Teenagers: They can do 12–24 rounds, followed by Yoganidra and Pranayama.
  • Middle-aged: Can do 6–12 rounds, followed by Yoganidra, Pranayama, and meditation.
  • For Aged: Do as much as you feel comfortable with.
  • Weight Loss: You can start from 5 and increase to 12 or above. 13.9 calories are burnt per one set of Surya Namaskar

If you feel exhausted, you have to stop there. The sole aim of yoga is to make you energetic and active, too.

Can Surya Namaskar Reduce Fat?

Surya namaskar reduces fat and it can help with weight loss. Let’s look at how Surya Namaskar reduces fat. 

  • Full-body workout

Twelve yoga poses engage the most muscles and can help build lean muscles and ton the muscles.

  • Boost up metabolism

Incorporating increased heart rate with functioning muscles helps in burning calories

  • Improves flexibility

Different groups of muscles will work on each posture, which can help bring flexibility and strength. 

  • Reduces stress

The rhythmic breathing and meditative nature of Surya Namaskar may help individuals alleviate their stress levels, which is an indirect deterrent to emotional eating and weight gain

  • Promotes detoxification

The repetition sequence can help ensure that digestion and nutrient absorption are optimized. 

To be most effective, you must practice Surya Namaskar every day at a pace that can go fast. You can begin slowly and gradually increase your count. You can also engage Surya Namaskar in conjunction with other exercises.

Can Surya Namaskar Reduce Our Stress?

Surya Namaskar improves flexibility, strength, and general fitness. In addition, it aids mental focus and reduces stress. Its regular practice tends to increase both physical and psychological balance.

This has become one of the popular fitness routines because its practice involves a vast amount of stretches and exercises that, apart from being simple, are very effective in providing health advantages. It is also one kind of exercise that is accessible to everyone as it does not require the use of heavy equipment.

When To Eat Before And After Surya Namaskar?

To practice Surya Namaskar properly, it is recommended to have a light meal 1-2 hours before practice and also to wait for nearly about 30 minutes to an hour after practice heavy meals should not be taken in the previous or subsequent practice as they tend to affect both flexibility and digestion during stretches.

Key points about food habits before and after Surya Namaskar

  • Light meals:

Easy-to-digest foods like fruits, yogurt, whole grain toast, or a small protein source before your practice.

  • Hydration:

Hydrate 30 minutes before your practice, but do not gulp large amounts during the practice.

  • Steer clear of solid foods :

Avoid spicy, greasy, or acidic food close to your Surya Namaskar practice, as these may irritate your stomach.

  • Post-practice snack:

Take a snack after your training session, and it should be a small amount that comprises carbohydrates and protein to fuel the recovery of muscles.

History of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, as a practice, holds its history well intertwined with the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of India. It is not easy to pinpoint the date it is considered to have originated as an old Vedic practice, eventually forming part of Hatha Yoga.

This is a Sanskrit term – “Namaskar” literally means salutation, and “Surya” means sun; therefore, “Surya Namaskar” means salutation to the sun. The sun, Surya, is one of Hinduism’s gods, representing luminosity, energy, and vitality. Salutation shows appreciation and recognition of such power that gives life.

This Surya namaskar, as believed, was an exercise thought to have originated as a ritual to invoke the blessings of the sun god, performed with morning worship to energize the body and the mind. It gradually evolved into a set of bodily postures and breathing exercises, a prevalent type of yoga.

Surya Namaskar is practiced almost everywhere on earth today. In addition, it is a holistically balanced exercise, physical fitness, mental alertness, and spiritual integration.

 It is an excellent exercise for strengthening muscles and improving flexibility, and it generally helps lead a great life.

Surya Namaskar And Breathing

Breathing is one of the integral components of Surya Namaskar. It is connected with practice in the following ways:

  • Breathing patterns

Each transition in the Surya Namaskar has an inhalation or exhalation pattern. Different poses call for various breathing patterns, including abdominal, diaphragmatic, and clavicular.

  • Body awareness

It helps you stay connected to your breath and become more aware of the change in your body during the practice.

  • Lung capacity

Consistent practice of Surya Namaskar increases your lung capacity and thus helps your body work much more efficiently.

  • Detoxification 

Rhythmic breathing and movements in Surya Namaskar help ventilate your lungs and increase the oxygen content in your blood. This helps detoxify the body while enhancing lymph circulation.

  • Coordination 

Coordinating your breathing with each movement enables you to move more smoothly and maintain the proper functioning of your lungs and chest. 

  • Synchronization of body and mind

Paying attention to one’s breath helps the body align with the mind.


The roots of Surya Namaskar have been dormant in the traditions of ancient India and significantly benefit both the body and the mind. It’s a body exercise that increases flexibility, strength, and well-being with the rhythm of movements and deep breathing.

The consistent practice of Surya Namaskar can improve your physical health, reduce stress levels, and bring you mental peace. Do you want to know more about Surya Namaskar? Check out our comprehensive blog post, Surya Namaskara / Sun Salutation– A Complete Guide. And, of course, visit Hiddenmantra for more exciting topics about yoga.

Also read : Surya namaskar complete Guide

Writen by

Rony John is a passionate Content Writer with a Master’s degree in English Language and Literature. She has over a year of experience in freelance content writing, honing skills in crafting engaging and compelling content for websites and social media platforms. Her writing style is both versatile and creative, allowing her to adapt to various niches and industries. She has written for fields like lifestyle, fashion,  self-improvement, spiritual growth, positive thinking, inner peace, and meditation. Join with Rony to explore the vast heritage and culture of Kerala through Hiddenmantra.

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